Saturday, December 4, 2010

Saturday Sewing


No matter how hard I try, I just cannot create in a neat and tidy manner. After today's sewing session, this is the most I am willing to show you of my sewing room. It's like a rat's nest! The mess is well worth it though, because this is the end result...

...I've been making these box totes over the past couple of days, and I'm completely hooked! My sock project fits perfectly in the one I made for myself. This one was made using some of my 1930's repro stash. The print is a Judie Rothermel, from her 'Aunt Grace Friends Around The World' line, this one is Japan. I love the combination of red, black and white.  


  1. i really love those little boxes. I want to try my hand at them. I've only done one zip so far and am a bit nervous about repeating it unsupervised (the first was in class). Must get over that.

    I can't sew in a tidy manner either. My dining room table is currently COVERED in stuff I'm working on!

  2. I've just finished tidying up my cutting table...I can see the surface at last ;)

    It's funny how we let a certain part of a craft we love intimidate us! For me, even though I have knit since childhood, socks were my bogeyman. I've just cast on my first pair...and so far, so good :) The zips are easy to sew in these bags, because it's the first thing you sew! The seams come after that :)
